In 2015, npower established the Fuel Bank Foundation (FBF) to support those who were struggling with their energy bills. Five years later, Fuel Bank Foundation became a fully independent charity. With this change came the need for a stand-alone brand identity, to position them as the leading fuel poverty charity in the UK.
With the world in the throes of the Covid-19 pandemic, the charity was more relevant than ever. The UK has seen a significant rise in people seeking help from advice agencies and food banks. Fuel poverty is often one of the main problems for those in financial distress. FBF needed a bold, credible identity to make them stand out in the energy sector and appeal to consumers, partners and government stakeholders.
You can’t fault PLOTT for their passion and drive, their creative brilliance and their ability to turn this into an amazing brand experience. What they possess that is so unique is that oh-so-essential (even though many others miss this) desire to really value a detailed understanding the business they are supporting, its vision, strategy and values, and its people. And as a result what PLOTT produces stands head and shoulders above the rest. Give ‘em a call… you won’t be disappointed.
We focused on creating a vibrant brand that would give them the stand-out they needed to go it alone. We worked closely with the trustees to understand the impact they wanted to make, and how they could raise their profile very quickly during the pandemic.
We gave FBF the full PLOTT works. Starting with a vibrant, optimistic and energetic brand identity, we then created a fresh new digital presence which exudes positivity. As part of their brand repositioning, we created a new strapline “Helping homes in fuel crisis” to represent their socially-engaged values and principles. Going forward, the Fuel Bank Foundation will be taking the lead at government level, to advise on the issues facing vulnerable people. We are certainly very proud to be making a difference, and to be a part of this social movement.