With so many vital infrastructure projects and economic growth in the Midlands forecast, now’s the time for the STEM companies to think about how they can attract the best talent, and future proof their businesses. This is to ensure they have right people in place to capitalise on these opportunities.
What can we do?
In order to attract Millennials and Gen Z to this sector, engineering companies need to up their game and embrace the power of PR and branding to help them attract the right talent. Just as the larger OEM’s and automotive companies have learnt to do.
The likes of JLR in the Midlands have leveraged their employer brand very successfully. They have the first pickings of the best apprentices and graduates. This makes it an even tougher challenge for those lesser known tier 1 and tier 2 businesses who have little or no brand recognition.
This is why it’s so vital for these businesses to use their external channels, like their website and social platforms to shout about the opportunities they can provide and the culture of their businesses.
It is a well-known fact, millennials and Gen Z would rather work for smaller businesses than huge corporates, but they need to know there are alternative opportunities are out there!
Our top 3 ‘Quick win tips’
Make sure your website is MOBILE
We can’t stress how crucial this is (and pretty basic now) to millennials finding your company. But more than that you need a dedicated careers section outlining all the benefits and reasons to work for you. Think of millennials as clients / consumers, they need to be understand why they’d work for you rather than anyone else.
Stat: 2 in 5 millennials said they are mobile-only consumers who don’t use a desktop device at all!
Use Video and photography of ‘real team members’
One of the first things you should be doing is using your current talent to attract new talent! By this we mean create short videos of the people who thrive in your business and put these on your website. If you can’t do video, take photos and just write them up. Make them sound exciting!
Stat: 80% of millennials use video to help them decide which products or services to purchase. (This includes corporate videos whilst job hunting)
Use your social channels
No doubt you have these set up but are not using them to any great effect. If you start producing videos and taking photos, use social to reach out to potential candidates. These candidates will get a ‘feel’ for your culture and get excited about your business. Make sure your content is FUN.
Stat: Millennials devote 5.4 hours per day to social media
Going forward…
Businesses who are looking to grow exponentially in the next 3-5 years will need to carry out a more extensive look at their brand, here at plott our team are passionate about helping local businesses in the STEM sector’s grow and attract the right people. So give us a shout if you need any help.
And why is this important because by 2025 millennials will be 75% of the workforce!
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